
An E.164 number has three components:

For instance, the numbers +46766861004, +17162741616 and +85294504964 can be broken down as follows:

Prefix CC Subscriber number
+ 46 (🇸🇪 Sweden) 766861004
+ 1 (🇺🇸🇨🇦 North America) 7162741616
+ 852 (🇭🇰 Hong Kong) 94504964

Converting from local formats to E.164

It's pretty straghtforward to convert a locally formatted phone number to an E.164 formatted number if you know the country code:

  1. Remove any spaces, parenthesis or other punctuation.
  2. If the number begins with a zero, remove the leading zero.
  3. Prepend the country code.
  4. Prepend a ”+”.

For instance, the US number (216) 208-0460 would be converted to +12162080460 as follows:

  1. (216) 208-0460 -> 2162080460 (remove punctuation)
  2. 2162080460 -> 2162080460 (no zero to remove)
  3. 2162080460 -> 12162080460 (prepend ”1”, the US country code)
  4. 12162080460 -> +12162080460 (prepend a ”+”)

Country codes

If you're not sure what your country code is, check out our country codes page where we have the full list.